
Exhibitor Information

Simply Crafted Hickory is the perfect setting to sell your crafted items, as well as grow your customer base.

About The Event

Simply Crafted Hickory is an indoor show at the height of our hot (and sometimes rainy) season. It will take place inside the Hickory Metro Convention Center in Hickory, NC.

The focus of the show is on handmade items, specialty foods, and will include local boutiques with unique apparel.

For this 2-day show, booth prices start at $165.

Becoming an Exhibitor

-- Please Read Before Applying --

We expect this show to fill up quickly.

We are a fast-track juried show. What that means is the following:

Step 1 - Fill out and submit your application below.

Step 2 - We will review applications in the order they are received. You will receive a response in 2-3 days with approval, disapproval, or waitlist status.
Note: We limit the number of vendors per category, but do not offer exclusives.

Step 3 - If approved, you will receive a link to the floorplan where you will be able to pick your booth and pay a $100 deposit. We ask that you choose your booth within 3 days of approval.